How does the repeat past import option work in HubSpot?

Looking forward to know about HubSpots option to repeat past imports? Read below for more!

A common way to create and update records within HubSpot CRM is through imports. If you are continuously importing records or activities associated to these records using the same properties, you have the option to use past imports as templates to transfer your new data. If you choose to utilize this option and use a previous import as a template, all past settings and  property mappings are copied. Importing files in this way enables users to not only save time but ensures a standard structure for data to be imported correctly.

To repeat a past import, you can use the following steps:

- Select "Import" in the top right of any relevant objects index page. This action will direct you to the Imports main page.

- Once you are on the Imports main page, click the "Start an import" button.

- You will be prompted to a separate screen asking how you would like to continue with your import, choose "Repeat a past import".

- You will then be directed to a screen promoting you to choose a previous import to use as a template. Hover over the import you would like to repeat and click "Use as template".

- Finally, you are able to upload your new import file.

It is important to keep in mind that to use this option, your new import file must match the template exactly.

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