
MisterGreen case video




Audio Visual
0:00 - 0:12 [background music] 0:00 - 0:12 A tesla driving through a landscape with meadows.

0:12  >> MARK: I'm Mark Scheurs from MisterGreen electric lease.

0:13 - 0:19 Mark looking at a computer screen.

0:16 >> MARK: And we started ten years ago with the emergence of the first electric car.


0:19 >> MARK: We think, that's our vision,

0:19 - 0:26 Mark sits behind his laptop looking at the screen

0:21 >> MARK: that 50% of what comes rolling off the assembly line in 2025 will be electric.


0:26 >> MARK: We now have about 3000 cars of which 95% are Tesla.

0:26 - 0:32 Mark stands right in front of the camera and tells. His name: Mark Schreurs and position: Co-founder & CEO | MisterGreen are displayed.

0:32 >> MARK: In the coming years, that will be more. Then there will probably be more differentiation.

0:32 - 0:37 Mark works behind his laptop and grabs his phone.

0:37 >> MARK: Only that is up to the automotive brands themselves, they have to come up with good electric cars.

0:37 - 0:42 An overhead view of a Tesla driving through a landscape of meadows.

0:42 >> MARK: Minimum 300 km range, they must also have invested in their charging infrastructure across Europe.

0:42 - 0:48 The side of a tesla driving through a landscape. Then Mark standing right in front of the camera and tells.

0:48 [Background music]

0:48 - 0:58 A tesla driving through a landscape with meadows.

0:53 >> MARK: Online is super important to MisterGreen.


0:55 >> MARK: We started at a time, we were new to lease land.


0:58 >> MARK: But we worked with very different systems than the established ones.

0:58 - 1:01 Mark standing right in front of the camera explaining.

1:01 >> MARK: And we actually thought it made perfect sense to work only with the latest technology.

1:01 - 1:05 The logo of MisterGreen on a blue background.

1:05 >> MARK: Even now, we are still paperless and we work with the latest technology.

1:06 - 1:13 The logo of MisterGreen on a blue background. View changed to Mark standing in front of the camera explaining.

1:09 >>MARK: We are also super happy with the integration of HubSpot and with Conversion Crew.


1:13 >> MARK: That has saved us an incredible amount of time

1:13 - 1:23 A zoomed-in view of a tesla.

1:15 >> MARK: We all worked online 5 years ago,


1:18 >> MARK: but with many different systems, which we had tied together woodily.


1:23 >> MARK: Yes, and now it all works much, much more smoothly.

1:23 - 1:25 Mark standing in front of the camera explaining.

1:25 [Background music]

1:25 - 1:29 Kees looking out over the water.

1:30 >> KEES: Issues I ran into before we started HubSpot,

1:29 - 1:33 The side of Kees's head is shown.

1:33 >> KEES: is mainly that we had way too many systems. And that it can't really work together clearly.

1:33 - 1:45 Kees stands right in front of the camera. His name: Kees Roelandschap and function: Inside sales | MisterGreen is displayed.

1:40 >> KEES: So it was a lot of figuring out, you got someone on the phone who didn't know what they had been talking about.


1:45>> KEES: With HubSpot, all of that has come together very nicely in one system.


1:47 >> KEES: The benefit we now get from working with HubSpot is that everything is organized together.

1:47 - 1:53 Kees is working behind his laptop.

1:54>> KEES: So it's organized, every employee can see at a glance what the contact has been with the customer.

1:53 - 2:01 It zooms in on Kees's hands while working on his laptop. Then it zooms in on Kees's head.

2:00 >> KEES: In every possible way.


2:01 >> KEES: Marketing and Growth works a lot with HubSpot.

2:01 - 2:16  Kees stands right in front of the camera explaining.

2:05 >> KEES: We collect data, how did people end up at MisterGreen?


2:08 >> KEES: Workflows, how will we target people? To get blog post to certain groups.


2:16 [Background music]

2:16 - 2:18 A Tesla in view on a wharf.

2:18 >> KEES: The collaboration with Conversion Crew is pleasant in the sense that we do get weekly updates from Conversion Crew.

2:18 - 2:25 A Tesla driving between buildings.

2:25 >> KEES: I think that certainly in the implementation phase, it was important that, 

2:25 - 2:28 A tesla driving through a landscape with meadows.

2:29 >> KEES: yes you get a team of people anyway, you get a software package. Go ahead and do it.

2:28 - 2:34 Kees explaining right in front of the camera.

2:34 >> KEES: You just need help with that.

2:34 - 2:45 A tesla driving through a landscape with meadows.

2:36 >> KEES: And that certainly has to do with getting this company wide in, and getting everyone to work with it.


2:42 >> KEES: Has Conversion Crew played a good role in it I think.


2:44 [Background music]

2:45 - 2:49 A white screen with Conversion Crew's logo


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